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Throughout digital marketing strategy today, PPC and SEO are often seen as two separate entities. While it’s true that both require resources and time, it’s important to realize that PPC and SEO work best overall when applied in tandem. Both SEO and PPC should be seen as two sides of the same coin: search. In … Read more

When it comes to keywords within an SEO strategy, quality consistently outranks quantity. By developing the right keywords early on and routinely updating and searching for better strategies, overall PPC campaigns can greatly improve and increase traffic to the company website. In order for PPC campaigns to grow, it’s essential to dedicate time to keyword … Read more

Content marketing can be done effectively in multiple ways. With case studies, infographics, eBooks, whitepapers, blog posts, and social, it’s vital to make sure that content truly reflects both the brand and company. One of the best ways to elevate current and future content is by telling the company story. Telling a company story can … Read more

Hiring a PPC agency can seem like a difficult task. You of course want to make sure that they are qualified, can answer questions, and can elevate your online presence. When selecting a PPC agency, or auditing the one you currently have, it’s essential to look at 3 key metrics. Inbound marketing campaigns require good … Read more

A recent study revealed that 86% of local SEO experts believe quality of citations is more important than quantity. Local citations are a big part of SEO and are vital to local businesses. How does this impact your law firm? Let’s cover some background first. What Are Citations? A citation is an online reference to … Read more

Google My Business pages are a great way to bring local insight to your business and improve local SEO at the same time. There are many common myths and questions about Google My Business, and while some are true, some are fiction. Focusing on fact can help companies as they evolve, so let’s dispel some … Read more

Implementing a digital marketing strategy that includes a strong PPC process is vital for law firms to succeed in the business world. Just as essential as SEO, PPC is the process of gaining website traffic by purchasing ads on various websites and search engines. How Does PPC Work? Pay per click advertising has many names, including: … Read more

Adding photos to your Google Business page can help a great deal in spotlighting essential features of your firm that clients love, appreciate, or would like to know more about. When potential clients are looking for services, seeing friendly faces and photos of the actual business can help establish credibility and potentially bring in more … Read more

Finding the right PPC agency for your law firm can often seem like finding the needle in the haystack. Each PPC agency can focus on different areas, strengths, and focuses – and can make it difficult to pick which one will work best. Outsourcing the PPC and SEO of the firm to a third party … Read more

Managing a winning PPC campaign can improve company image, boost quality visits to your site, and give a better idea of the ideal target audience and keywords to pursue. When it comes to managing a PPC campaign, focus on working smarter, not harder. Finding the perfect ad groups, keywords, and text are just part of … Read more

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