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The Importance of Taking Pictures of Your Personal Injury Law Firm

Adding photos to your Google Business page can help a great deal in spotlighting essential features of your firm that clients love, appreciate, or would like to know more about. When potential clients are looking for services, seeing friendly faces and photos of the actual business can help establish credibility and potentially bring in more business. Why should you take pictures of your law firm?

Photos help people find your business across Google, both on search functionality and Google Maps. By verifying your business on Google and adding photos, you can highlight specific products and services specifically for your customers.

What photos are best to include?


Interior photos give customers a better view of the business, and can add a sense of ambiance and décor. For interior photos, it’s best to include at least three so customers can see what the business truly looks like through multiple departments, buildings, and management levels. In order to truly show photos that resonate, picture what it’s like to stand inside your firm as a potential client. What do they see first? Is there a welcome/reception area decorated well that is inviting? It’s essential to capture the atmosphere of the business within the photos. Plan beforehand to determine what shots will look best.


Exterior photos help customers recognize your business from the outside through passing or through different directions. Because of this, it’s important to add exterior photos from different angles so that potential customers can get a complete feel of the building, area, and parking/logistical needs. Try to add a least three exterior photos for added variety. It’s also a good idea to use photos taken at different times of the day. Does the building particularly reflect well at sunset? Do the flowers out front look best in the morning? Pay simple attention to these details to help the business seem more inviting with flexible hours.


Team photos provide the best opportunity to add a personal touch to your business, something that all clients crave today. Clients want to know that their business matters, and a smiling face is a great way to begin building that trust of a working relationship. Try to show at least three photos focusing on both management level and operational employees; potential clients want to see all sides, not just particular departments. Staff photos are best taken from an informal, casual approach. Seek to show different personalities throughout the staff.

Another plus from taking Google Business photos? These photos provide an inside look to the business for potential job-seekers as well as clients. Potential employees can get an inside feel for the business and keep an eye out for future job openings, a win-win for both the job seeker and the firm.

Adding pictures to Google Business can provide a very personal, relatable side to interested clients. It can give an inside glimpse into what makes your firm great, and can give clients all the more reason to visit your law firm and get their questions answered.

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