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How To Implement Mobile Video Ads Into Your Personal Injury Legal Marketing Strategy

It’s no secret that mobile devices have completely changed the advertising landscape. More searches are now being conducted on mobile than the laptop and desktop combined. Another big area of growth in the advertising landscape? Video.

Marketers and SEO employees alike are realizing the importance of implementing a solid video ad strategy, and also realizing the importance of adopting a storyteller mindset. It’s no longer about a shorter and quicker ad message, now it’s all about the effect.

Video ads are also being looked at as the next big thing because on average, people are willing to engage for longer on mobile. This can contribute greatly to better brand awareness. Mobile video ads have grown greatly over recent years, mainly because there is more storytelling involved and less selling. Companies are quickly realizing that the old bait-and-switch theory isn’t working, and customers are quickly catching on.

To make video ads work for your legal advertising, it’s essential to create clear goals both at the beginning and throughout the ad strategy. What emotions do you want customers to feel? What is the true purpose of the ad? What will be your call to action? How can you create this in a storytelling format that consistently engages and provides unique content for your users?

The answers to the above questions are never immediate. Dedicated time and effort must go into a content marketing strategy involving ad video in order for it to be successful. By putting in the heavy lifting beforehand, your brand can expand naturally and you can continually improve and create better video ads.

Be A Storyteller

Storytelling helps the customer make a connection to your brand on a neuroscientific level. Connecting stories, products, and brands together is truly an art. The story must be truly unique in order to stand out from the rest.

Similar to storytelling, brands are also now seeking to create mobile video ads that truly immerse the audience with personalized, interactive story crafting. This creates more emotional connections with customers and invites customers to interact with the business beyond the screen. The more the senses and imagination are activated, the stronger the emotional connection. After that first mobile ad connection is created, chances of a repeat viewer and follower are much more likely.

Mobile ad strategy will always be changing. Something that may have worked well last year may need to completely be redone. To solidify your marketing ad video strategy, it’s important to remain adaptable and seek to continually gain knowledge in the area. Seek out other brands to see how they are effectively using video ads. See what works for others and what doesn’t. Your ad video strategy is simply that – it’s yours.

Research into other brands to see how they display storytelling ads. Seek to find connections between multiple ads produced from a company to determine the underlying call to action.

Successful advertising has always been about storytelling. More connections than ever before are made through technology. Adapting to a new mobile ad strategy and seeking to constantly improve it can create greater benefits for any law firm.

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