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Top Four Digital Marketing Mistakes That Personal Injury Lawyers Make

Having an online company presence is paramount today. With so many options, it’s important to stand out from the crowd and avoid large mistakes online. In businesses today, there is no room for error. Some of the biggest marketing mistakes law firms make online include having an outdated website, not utilizing social media, not blogging, and neglecting local citations. While this isn’t an all-inclusive list, many of the largest mistakes that occur online have to do with not taking full advantage of all that is offered.

Thankfully, the above mistakes can continually be remedied and lead to better search results and a more powerful website. Let’s dive deeper into each mistake and important solutions.

Outdated Website

Outdated websites immediately turn off customers, result in lower page rankings, and have a higher bounce rate. If you want customers to find relevant, useful information quickly and easily, it’s essential to have an updated website that is continually reviewed and modified to meet the changing needs of customers. Outdated websites are often poorly designed, not mobile friendly, and consist of complicated and difficult navigation that makes it difficult to quickly find information. In order to alleviate this problem, perform an audit with a third party of your current website to discover anything that needs to be updated, modified, or removed. By doing this and continually reviewing content, company websites can be up-to-date and provide better information to more people.

Not Utilizing Social Media

Social media is a large part of a successful attorney marketing campaign. When companies don’t use social media, they aren’t as visible to the public and can’t answer questions as easily. They also run the risk of being seen as impersonal and out-of-touch with technology. Social media allows the perfect combination of advertising and information. With people constantly online, especially social media, it’s more important than ever to post updates, photos, videos, relevant information, specials, and more. Developing a specific brand and voice within social media can connect companies to communities and create more brand engagement.

Not Blogging

Companies that choose not to blog are missing out on a key opportunity to be a thought leader. Blogs paired with strong social media campaigns can provide timely, relevant information with well-designed keywords. Having a constant, relevant company blog can attract new readers while engaging current customers. By responding to questions and writing posts that answer key questions regarding law firms and practices, blog and overall site traffic will grow.

Neglecting Local Citations

Local citations can make or break small, local businesses. With the right citations in place, customers can more easily find the business as well as other relevant information. To improve overall online presence, local citations are a must.

It’s possible to make many mistakes online, especially when first starting a business or seeking for ways to significantly improve. With some of the above tips and a desire to continually do better, law firms can better meet the needs of their unique audience and provide easily accessible, relevant content through numerous channels to be seen as a complete thought leader.

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